These two little boys have been keeping me busy lately.
As well as any family and friends we have.
Ethan enjoyed a special weekend
Where he turned 12,
Had a surprise birthday party at the auto show,
And received the priesthood,
while his mom and dad cried.
Josh enjoyed a special weekend too,
Where he received his Eagle,
with the mayor giving an great Eagle Charge,
His dad giving a sweet spotlight,
And Josh thanking those who supported him.
I have had, in the back of my mind a feeling from when Josh was tiny and headed to nursery for the first time. I had an overwhelming sense of appreciation for the adults in my children's lives.
I often feel inadequate at being a parent, and when I see the success of my kids, I know that they are having that because there are other caring adults in their lives.
I guess I do think that it takes a village to raise a child. And I'm grateful for my village and family that have helped me have two great sons!