Thursday, December 16, 2010


What's the point of having an excused absence?

Just curious.

Emma has some UN-excused absences.

 I need to make up an excuse for why she was absent within 5 days of the offense.

Can I just make up any ole' excuse?

And what happens if she has UN-excused absences?

Do the police come?

(Note: the police do not come -- they send home a note.  I asked the office about it -- they send home a SCARY note)

These are things I've thought about today after getting a note about excusing absences for my kindergartner.  Along with a list of her absences for the year.

(Note:  Emma misses school on Wednesdays mostly)

I'm not sure which ones are UN-excused.  There's no legend as to what an  "X- ",  " E-", " G- " and "T-" mean.  Any thoughts?

Also, if your child is sick more than 10 days due to an illness, you need a doctor's note. 

What happens if you don't get that doctor's note?

Do you get a scary letter?

Can you just change your excuse for why your student is absent?

Regardless, I now need to Pre-Approve Emma's extended absences. 

From the look of things, I need to pre-approve every Wednesday . . . .


Sean and Janet Eyring said...

Wendy Wendy Wendy,

Do you know the damage you are doing to your child by having them miss that much school? As to the letters X, E, G, and T: those were the letters being taught on those thoughtlessly absent days...and now poor Emma will have to sign her name "mma Vinc n" because she missed those valuable lessons. And spelling words like "extra" --well all she's gonna be a ble to write is a useless syllable "ra". I hope you think about that the next time you feel like a Wednesday mommy/daughter date. ;)

Miss Mel said...

Sean....ha ha ha ha! Here's what I think: X- unexcused absence. E-excused absence. T-tardy and G-got confused with other child named Emma.