Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I've recently discovered a crisis here in my town.

It's a crisis of significant size in my life, and others.


What this means to you and me, is that there are NO donuts at Harts, or any other gas station.

This is devastating!

I took my concerns to a PANEL of experts to discuss this.  The panel consisted of Josh, Ethan and Emma -- people deeply affected by this.

Moderator:  What will we do without any chocolate donuts!!

Emma:  Get one later when they get them.

Josh:  *shrug*

Ethan:  Huh?

Moderator:  How does this donut shortage affect you?

Ethan:  It won't.  You never bought me one anyway.

Josh:  I can't have a quick breakfast anymore.  I'll have to make me something else.  And by "Me", I mean "You".

Emma:  I'll just get one later when they get them.

Moderator:  What should the President do about this donut problem?

Josh:  Maybe he could sue someone?

Moderator:  Do you really think the President will sue someone?

Ethan:  The President should bring us a donut

Emma:  We can just get one later when they get them

Moderator:  I don't think you're taking this panel discussion seriously!  I had to buy powdered Hostess donuts this morning - without the jelly centers!  Go eat your lunch somewhere else - 


Jacquie said...

WHAT??? We were just talking about how these are our favorites! Can you at least stock up? My sisters live by the outlet I may have to have them go by today, I am not happy even I stole a bite from my Dad on Sat and to think it may be my last taste is very disheartening! I am checking into the matter.

Peggy Eddleman said...

DEVASTATING! How will we go on? It's like the end of an era.

To avoid being depressed about it, I'm going with Emma. From now on, I'll just think, "We can just get one later when they get them."

Angie said...

We found some on Saturday at Kountry Korner -- it's a lovely drive.

Unknown said...

rotflmbo!!!! I LOVE you Wendy. You are such a funny girl. :) I haven't enjoyed a Dunford for many moons, I've started to really enjoy the "knot" looking one instead. Just an fyi. Oh, and don't be fooled by the large round maple looking one. It's just a dry cinnamon roll with maple frosting that does not belong on it.