For Today...
Outside my window . . . There is no snow on the ground and no SWAT members at the neighbors house yet.
I am thinking. . . That the Noodles & Co fundraiser for the Center Stage group was a HIT on Saturday. Also, a little shout out that you should take your family to see Charlie Brown. Check out http://www.coveycenter.org/ for tickets.
From the learning rooms. . . Do I have a learning room? I guess I am learning how to make my own web page. I've inherited access to Jeff's family history so I'm going to make it available on line for the whole world to see!
I am thankful for. . . Closets. They hold all those extra blankets and pillows that the kids haul out on Conference weekend. Imagine if my front room had to contain all those blankets and pillows everyday! I'd go NUTS. But now they are nicely stacked where they belong -- behind closed doors.
From the kitchen. . . Crap! I don't know. I better pull some meat from the freezer, be right back.
I am wearing. . . Surprise! Pajamas!
I am reading. . . Skeleton Creek. At least I'm reading it whenever Ethan brings it home from school and let's me borrow it. There's an associated website with video clips that makes this Young Adult book very FREAKY!
I am hoping. . . That the Reverence & Respect talk from Saturday morning conference was not directed specifically at me or our primary. (Although I really felt like it was.)
I am creating. . . 30 bunnies for homemaking tomorrow night. Can't wait to see you all there!
I am hearing. . . my internal voice telling me to drink water and not Diet Coke. In fact, I think I just heard one of my de-calcified bones snapping in half . . . .
Around the house. . . I'm seeing the mess that is my house when the weekend is over. Ah! The joys of cleaning your house every.single.day!
One of my favorite things. . . is singing. Who Knew!? Maybe it's just a favorite thing to do when your friends call you over on Saturday night to sing karaoke until one in the morning. I'm NOT good at it, but Oh, how I love to sing the 80's and ABBA!!
A few plans for the rest of the week. . . I'm going to ambitiously put out there that I am going to create a To Do List for this week! I am then going to get at least 51% of it done this week. I'm always falling behind lately and with 51% of things getting done, that's falling forward right?
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you. . .
Haha, love the comment about the neighbor's house.....I'm always keepin an eye out!
Karaoke??? My, you are becoming such a multi-faceted social butterfly, I am so impressed. I can not wait to see a performance.
51% is above average...let us not forget and "above average" is better than not. Sounds like a good plan.
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