Isn't it a good thing to go to the dentist on the same day you go caffeine free? Just stay on those pain pills for a couple days, blame it on the tooth and by then you should be past the headache stage and onto the "will power" stage!! Best of luck:)
I am the principal home manager of a family of 5, or 6, or 7 - depending on your definition of family. Anyway you look at it, I'm a woman who loves her family and loves opportunities to discover more about myself.
I am so sorry do you need an imitrex? Does Dr. Pepper count?
The many times I have quit, the headaches last 2-3 days...then I either feel better, or just give in and fall off the wagon completely.
Isn't it a good thing to go to the dentist on the same day you go caffeine free? Just stay on those pain pills for a couple days, blame it on the tooth and by then you should be past the headache stage and onto the "will power" stage!! Best of luck:)
Ditto Leslie. My head aches for you, Wendy.
oh I feel your pain! Glad it's not me! :) jk I'm proud of you!
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