That's right! I'm IT!
Today you get to find so much more about me. Which is a blessing, since I never speak very personally on this blog.
Thanks to Kristy E. who tagged me on her blog, which is private. Which means it's exclusive. Which means I am in her exclusive group. Which means I was rude enough to ask to read it when she drove preschool car pool. Awkward!
Anyway, on to the Tag of Threes:
* Reading a good book in bed, with no interruptions
* Emma's sweaty curls on her pillow while she's sleeping
* Laughing so hard that I snort (which I do, whenever I see that Friend's clip from yesterday's post)
* That Josh and Ethan are going to suck the helium out of Emma's birthday balloons and get pneumonia
* That someone will break in the house while I'm taking a shower and I'll have to karate kick them and subdue them while I'm naked.
* That making snarky comments about other drivers on the road, will in fact, keep me from going to heaven
* Throw away birthday balloons today before the boys get to them
* Learn to shower fully clothed
* Reduce snarky comments
* Diner Dash
* Mob Wars
* Diet Coke Cans
* I have never owned an actual Barbie ~
* I love Gene Kelly. At one point I had memorized the year and title of every film he had been in.
* I have every note and letter I've EVER received during Jr. High and High School saved in a HUGE box.
Finally, I'd like to tag some other participants. People whom I'd love to hear their answers to these topics. And those people are:
My husband, Jeff -- sorry no blog, so you'll not see his answers
My neighbor, Damon -- sorry no blog either, but odds are he'll find away to give his answers
Sarah Palin, as played by Tina Fey -- that's just funny entertainment!

* Sitting at Mac's football practice watching his skills develop.
* Moose Tracks Ice Cream as my friend Ted says "the only thing better than a bowl of ice cream is another bowl of ice cream"
* Visting with friends, reading about friends and seeing my friends have success. I am a huge collector of friends, I always want to know how they are doing and that I care.
* Being out of work
* That my parenting style is not the best thing for my children and that I am doing more harm than good.
* Being underwater and having to hold my breath and with that being in a confined space.
* Get down to 220 lbs by Thanksgiving (47lb loss since Christmas) So the joy of ice cream is only on the week end.
* Hike Timpanogas
* Fly first class to and from Hawaii
* Weightlifting
* other manly things
* I hate the song "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" It is not that I disagree with the words but the melody makes me insane!
* I did not know how to shift gears on a bike until my mission
* My dream vacation is a month in an RV, no map, no time frame, just drive and see where I end up.
Who would I like to see this from
My wife Jen
My best friend Nate
My brother Drew
Well done! So, where's Jeff's post? Jeff, I'm waiting....and so are Wendy's other loyal readers.
:) Shauna
Yes..I'm waiting for Jeff's response as well as either Sarah Palin's or Tina Fey's!
This post is hilarious! I love it when you get tagged. I always get a good laugh... My favorite is your 3 fears and the matching goals!
So "funny!" ;)
You always make me laugh! So fun:)
Love Damon's response. So - yeah, Jeff, give it up!
Love Damon's response. So - yeah, Jeff, give it up!
You saved all my letters? I feel so loved. I have most of yours, too. (Not as good as you.) If you ever want a copy of any of them, let me know. You may not have the originals. those are definitely mine.
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