FOR TODAY, November 24, 2008 ...
Outside My Window... I refuse today to look out my windows. Emma has been doing blowfishes on them and they are finger streaked. I simply refuse to see it!
I Am Thinking... of how much stuff I'm simply not going to get done today. Thank goodness there is tomorrow. (Yeah, I'm going to not do stuff tomorrow too)
I Am Thankful For... Good friends! I appreciate all theose ladies who are indulging me with my social experiments lately. Since the passing of my friend, Kim, I've been trying to be more social - in a way that includes others and hopefully makes them feel they way I did when Kim included me and others. Going to the movies this weekend with everyone was great! (the movie was so-so, check back later for pictures)
From The Kitchen... Nothing. Who can think of cooking anything after eating a yummy breakfast with friends at Mimi's Cafe? (look who's being social YET again!)
I Am Wearing... A USU T-shirt and ball cap. I am unable to wear BYU today. I am sending positive thoughts to Max Hall today though. That poor boy is probably wearing USU gear today too!
I Am Creating... Recipe Cards! Those are due this Friday people -- so get working on them and bring/send them on over.
I Am Going... to Israel soon and I'm NOT ready!!! Aaaaaggghhhh ~
I Am Reading... North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. I'm excited to read it and then watch the movies!! I'm also open to suggestions for books to read on the airplane .
I Am Hoping... to be done with Christmas shopping by Saturday. I'm also hoping that magically my holiday decorations will be put up on Saturday by someone other than me! (yeah, I'm still being a scrooge!)
I Am Hearing... my smooth jazz station at pandora.com. Great music!
Around the house... Emma is playing with her dolls. Remember Carly, Stitch and Rootbeer? I'm sorry to say that as of right now they've passed away. They went shopping with Emma in her room and I've just been informed that they don't feel good because they died.
One Of My Favorite Things... Live houseplants. I got a rough start learning how to grow things, but I think I'm doing pretty well. I've got nearly 20 houseplants all thriving (probably 3 additional ones that aren't). There's just something nice about having living houseplants in your home.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Guess a funeral service for Carly, Stitch and Rootbeer is in order. I'd hate to have dolls wasting away during the holidays. Other than that, I think I'll be at Little America again this year eating turkey for Thanksgiving.
Here Is A Picture Thought I Am Sharing...
No, not just family.
It's more about the success and happiness after the struggle.
The purpose, the joy and reward for effort and work.
Truly I am Thankful!

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