This perfect half hour is called . . . Swimming Lessons. Yes, I took Emma to her first swimming lesson today at the public pool. Josh and Ethan 'wanted' to stay home and clean their room. So I grabbed a large, cold Diet Coke and my new book (and Emma) and headed to the pool.
It was *magical*! I sat in a chair all by myself with no one bugging me, sipping my favorite drink and reading a book. The sun toasted my legs and toes and all the sun-induced endorphins zipped along and made my heart sing! I was so happy having these minutes to myself I very nearly cried ~ OK, it was the awesome book I am reading that made me cry. ["Once Upon A Town" is a non-fiction story about North Platte, Nebraska during WW2, recounting how fabulous people can be!]
At the end of the 30 minutes I felt refreshed! Emma asked, "Mom, did you watch me?" I admit I lied . . . "Sure, honey, I watched you -- you did awesome!"
I can't wait to go again tomorrow!
I closed my eyes and was nearly there, to that happy place. The only thing that threw me off was the Diet Coke instead of a Dr. Pepper. Sounds like the best 30 minutes!!!
Seething with jealousy in NC!!!
30 mins.- Diet Coke- good book- no kids- boys that WANT to clean their rooms- $20!
There is not a price to put on what I imagine heaven to be like!
That's why you were grinning when I saw you drive by...
Sounds wonderful! Is it too early to put my kids in swim lessons? Probably. At least the baby...
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