And if you missed the sports bra story:
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Underwear Update
And if you missed the sports bra story:
Friday, May 30, 2008
An Interview With Ethan

Mom: Why are you only going to school for two hours today?
Ethan: Cuz, it’s the Last Day of School.
Mom: Well, why don’t you go for the whole day then?
Ethan: It’s not my fault. It’s the teacher’s fault.
Mom: Do you want to go for a full day?
Ethan: Hmmmmm. . . NO!
Mom: Don’t you think it would be the right thing to go for a full day of school? (me, using a guilt tactic)
Ethan: Nope!
Mom: How about the last day of summer that you spend at home only lasts two hours and I send you to school for the rest of the day?
Ethan: NO!
Mom: Why not?
Ethan: Cuz that would suck.
Mom: What am I going to do for just two hours?
Ethan: Play ToonTown.
Mom: Hmmmmm . . .time for school!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Foto Flashback
The school year always wraps up nicely for me when I see the kids all dancing on the field with their teachers. Don't ask me why, but I always get a little teary-eyed when they do it. Thank you teachers for helping me raise and educate my kids!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Three-Legged Underwear?
The other day Josh came in the kitchen to talk to me:
Josh: Mom, the other day when I was folding the laundry I saw some strange underwear. It had, like, three holes.
Me: Son, all underwear has three holes. One for your waist and two leg holes.
Josh: Mom, I know that. This underwear had more than that.
The light goes on in my head . . . he must've folded some boys underwear! Yet that shouldn't have been quite so surprising for my 12 year old.
Me: Josh, that was dad's underwear
Josh: Mom, it was your underwear.
Me: What?!? I don't think so! Go get it, let me see.

Me: For Crying Out Loud! That's my sports bra!!
Josh: Oh, I thought maybe it was special underwear for when you have PMS or something . . .
I about fall out of my chair at this point. I'm torn between laughing hysterically and shocked that Josh is thinking I own crotchless underwear. What the heck!?! We've since decided to laugh at this story ~ this is going to be funny for a long, long time.
Sidenote: Apparently putting "crotchless underwear" on my blog does not change the rating of my blog. I'm still rated "PG"
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It's Not What you DO, It's Who You ARE

In Freakonomics there is a nice chunky section on "What Makes a Perfect Parent?" (Hooray, finally a resource to help me be the perfect parent!!) The authors have identified 8 factors that are directly correlated with school test scores (for good or ill). See if you can figure out which 8 factors really matter in children's test scores:
- The child has highly educated parents
- The child's parents have high socioeconomic status
- The child's mother was thirty or older at the time of her first child's birth
- The child had low birthweight
- The child's parents speak English in the home
- The child is adopted
- The child's parents are involved in the PTA
- The child has many books in the home
- The child's family is intact
- The child's parents recently moved into a better neighborhood
- The child's mother didn't work between birth and kindergarten
- The child attended Head Start
- The child's parents regularly take him to museums
- The child is regularly spanked
- The child frequently watches television
- The child's parents read to him nearly every day
According to this economist and the number crunching data . . . only the first 8 items correlate to test scores. (#4 & #6 actually correlate to LOW test scores -- i'm obsessing about this) I have just been so fascinated by this information. Because what our children's performance comes down to is more a statement about who we ARE and not what we DO. There are a dozen different parenting techniques, and following any of them is probably not bad, but they don't really matter. How I feel about my kid's education, what I show my kids that I value and how I feel about myself matter most. And frankly, I'm happy about that! Gone is my guilt that Emma watches a lot of TV, and that my kids have seen more of my laundry room, while sitting in time out, than I have and that I have never been to the dinosaur or children's museum with my kids.
Does this economic data make it ok that I helped Josh bribe his gym teacher to switch his A- to an A with a breakfast sandwich this morning?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Local Talent
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Foto Flashback
This picture is Lake Powell when the water was low (I guess it still is). This is actually the back side of La Gorce Arch, one of our favorite places to go to. (Man I wish that swim suit still fit me!)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
"Tag! I'm IT"

Well! I'm that kid -- I was surfing blogs yesterday, found a meme -- and without being tagged I am declaring myself "It!"
#1 - 5 Years Ago:
- I was busy thinking how hard my life was while being completely oblivious to the fact that it was going to get much, much harder. I was also busy being oblivious that I had a greater capacity to love and to learn faith.
#2 - 5 Things On My To-Do List Today:
- Clean out my scrapbook room
- Plan out meals for the next two weeks and go grocery shopping
- Find the swimsuit/t-shirt order form for swim team
- Put the mail in the mail box
- Plant the new flowers that I bought before they die
#3 - 5 Snacks I Enjoy:
- The Sugary Ones
- The Salty Ones
- The Frozen Ones
- The Fizzy Diet Ones
- The Crunchy Ones
- Corn Nuts. After eating them for an hour in the car, getting out of the car for fresh air and then getting back in the corn nut fume-infested car: "Thanks, I'll pass on any more corn nuts!"
- Burnt Almond Fudge ice cream. Ok, under extreme circumstances when that's the ONLY ice cream in the house, I will partake. But it's not one I really enjoy - chocolate with nuts . . frozen together. . . not delicious.
- Pinto Bean Pie. Don't let the Auntie's bring pie to Thanksgiving . . . .
- Blue Powerade at the gas station drink fountain. What's this even suppose to taste like? It's like blue Kool-aid watered down. (Now give me blue Kool-aid in a baggie with some sugar and my wet finger and I'll eat the whole dang thing!)
- Boston Baked Beans. Nothing to say . . . they just don't do it for me. (I will eat Boston Baked Beans if left alone in a room with them and nothing else in sight ~ particularly during PMS season)
#4 - 5 Places I Have Lived:
- My parent's house in Sandy, Utah
- Apartment 23 in Rexburg, Idaho
- The Glynhill Apartments in Salt Lake City
- Our first home in West Jordan
- Our home of 11 years in Pleasant Grove
#5 - 5 Jobs That I Have Had:
- Specialty Fry Cook at Jack in the Box (Yeah, there used to be one in Sandy, Utah . . and I don't recommend making out with your boyfriend on the roof)
- Data Entry at Medical Information place. (When you leave your place of employment don't have your new boyfriend leave a nasty message for your boss in Portuguese . . . who knew it could so easily be translated)
- Medical Document procurer at Medical Information place. (Desperate people will hire you back after receiving a nasty message in Portuguese)
- Secretary at an elementary school. (Best gig ever! I loved being in school with my kids!)
Again, I would tag some of you with this and have you answer these questions on your blog . . . . but I'll just leave it up to you. If you're the kind of kid who would've reached out to the poor, suffering little girl playing tag all by herself . . . . then you'll give this meme a try. (Ah, the power of guilt!)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wherein I Complain & Do Nothing

Except that it won't be relaxing, here's just a sample of a "summer day":
- Boys up at 6:30am to go to swim team
- Rush Josh to soccer practice at 8am
- Switch Josh to summer band in American Fork by 10am
- Get Emma to swim lessons at 10:40am
- Squeeze Ethan's chess club in once a week at 11
- Noon, regather children and have a healthy lunch, do chores and get summer study done
- 3pm about once a week take Ethan to art class
- 4pm once a week take Emma to Hula class
- Evenings get dinner made and kids settled so I can take mortgage loan officer classes
- Otherwise take boys to assorted scout activities, swim meets, boat trips, soccer games and camp outs
Yeah, I'm already getting stressed out thinking about how busy the summer is -- but what do I cancel? Where is the magical line that needs to be drawn to keep my kids from being 'over planned'?
My complaint: Summer is too busy
My Solution: Complain on blog and then do nothing but hang on and survive until school starts again.
Small update - I couldn't help myself this morning and I signed Josh up for a pottery merit badge class for the summer too. Somebody stop me!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Dancing Lessons
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Reflections Of Christ

Friday, May 16, 2008
You've Got Mail

1st - I walked in to see a long line and at the front of that line was a crying, screaming baby, an older woman trying to make a transaction and a little boy running around. Crazy! Until she goes to leave, and I see that it's the sweetest grandma/lady in my ward (for those who know - it was Paulette) who is struggling to manage her grandkids. And being the doll that she is, as she is about to exit the double doors, she turns around and yells, "Thanks for all your help, everyone!"
P.P.S. Apparently I could've purchased my stamps on line - but then I would've missed all the little stories of the people this morning. I wonder what they thought of me with Emma and my 10 envelopes all addressed to beer companies. . . . .
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Foto Flashback

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Call Me Sponge Bob
Emma's on to a new obsession: Sponge Bob Square Pants. Yes, I know, it's probably not the show she should be watching on t.v. But she's just drawn to it, and I have a hard time saying no. Especially when it can keep her entertained for a few minutes. But all obsessions have side effects . . . . Here's a glimpse at the 'Sponge Bob Side Effect' from Friday.
Setting. An overly busy Italian Place Restuarant
Emma: Hey Sponge Bob! What ya doin?
Emma: Sponge Bob! What ya doin?
Me: Are you talking to me?
Emma: Yeah, you're Sponge Bob, I'm Patrick. What ya doing Sponge Bob?
Me: I'm going to have lunch with daddy. What you doin . . . . Patrick?
Emma: Going to lunch
Scene Changes. We are now at the front of the abnormally long line at the Italian Place and Daddy has just shown up.
Daddy: Hi, Emma!
Emma: No, I'm Patrick. This is Sponge Bob (pointing at me who wishes there weren't so many freakin people in line!)
Me: I just don't know where she picks this stuff up at dear, really. Emma, who's this? (pointing at daddy)
Emma: It's Mister Krabs!
Me: HA HA HA HA! From the mouths of Babes . . . .
* * * Note: Side Effect is still continuing I just received a holler from Emma who was in going potty . . . . "Sponge Bob, I'm done!" (We're switching back to DoodleBops as I speak) * * *
* * * One more note: The article running on MSNBC about a 'Sponge Bob Fanatic' being hunted over vandalism is NOT Emma. The only proof I can provide is that the vandalism is 10 feet tall and Emma is only 3 feet tall, she's not a great ladder climber and probably wouldn't have thought to put Sponge Bob's portrait on a chimney. Click HERE for the whole story - but don't come knocking here for a suspect!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Prank Update
Sunday, May 11, 2008
It was a pretty interesting interview that really caught my attention as I learned how much money these ladies are making -- holy cow! They are supporting their whole families on their ability to type!!
So, I decided to check out these lady's websites . . . . Boy was I disappointed. Other than some nicely taken photos, good sentence structures and nice looking pages I was sad at the level of crudeness. I guess I have an idea in my head that by blogging and connecting with other women I would raise the level of my life, not lower it. (Should those famous mommy bloggers ever see this, I mean you no disrespect ~ I just have slightly different values).
However, with that being said -- I tried out a rating system for my blog. You know, so that I could proclaim myself a family friendly, uplifting blogger. And here's the rating I got:
Yeah, PG -- I missed the G rating because I said "crack" twice and "steal" once (um. . . roll those numbers cuz I just said them again). So I guess I'm more offensive than I thought, but trust me - not nearly as much as some ladies!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Wendy, Inc.
1st Prank - I reached back into my childhood and pulled out the old classic: "Saran-Wrap the Toilet Seat" I was giggling the whole time while I cleaned the boy's bathroom, wiped down the toilet, ran to the store to get some quality Saran Wrap, ran back to the store to get some tape and then taped that Saran Wrap on the toilet! This was going to be good when the boys got home ~ And it was! Oh My Gosh -- I laughed until I cried as the boys came out of the bathroom with soaked shoes and socks and pee running down the toilet. Ha Ha Ha! I couldn't stop thinking how funny it was as I did their laundry, cleaned the bathroom again, and pulled out the carpet cleaner for the floors they dripped on.
2nd Prank: After the first prank I just couldn't resist trying another. So I loaded up the half empty ketchup bottle in the fridge with Baking Soda and gave it a good shake. Next, I planned hamburgers and french fries for dinner. Holy Cow! What a riot ~ those kids gave the ketchup bottle an extra shake, popped it open and were in a shower of red sauce!! It was like Old Faithful in the dining room. I was rolling on the floor over the look on their faces. I was still thinking how clever I had been as I wiped ketchup off the ceiling, light fixture, and table. It was so funny while I cleaned the carpets, cleaned the kid's clothes again and had to make new hamburgers for dinner.
3rd Prank: Are you KIDDING ME? By the time I mentally thought through the first two pranks I came to the conclusion that pulling pranks on my "co-workers" would SUCK! Not only am I not going on cruises - but any pranks around here require too much effort on my part planning it and then cleaning it. Let them keep their pranking in the business world!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Morning Stretch
Actually any video of me trying to stretch has me hanging down at the waist and barely reaching my knees with my hands. I am like one of those Big Hunk bars that has the potential to snap right in half if you smack it hard enough or try to bend it! I have always been pretty "inflexible" (that is not a statement about my personality ~ although it kinda applies). Even in High School when we would stretch before basketball practice I'd struggle to touch my toes.
I'm ready for a change though, I want to embrace some Yoga techniques! The Down Dog, The Warrior, The Triangle, The Mountain (I can actually do this one!). If there's anyone out there who can teach me how to bend please let me know ~
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
In The News
1st - Bring some tissue as you read this really great story about a college softball team and some unbelievable sportsmanship. Click HERE.
2nd - This is my current favorite stupid-person-in-the-news story. This man tried to cash a fraudulent check for $360 BILLION dollars! Uh, Hello? . . . . . . Click HERE.
3rd - "Study: Slobby Guys Create More Work For Wives". This story just leads me to ask. . . Why will people not pay ME to do a "study" to discover the obvious?!?? Also, citing this story as evidence to Jeff did not give me any sympathy at all -- bummer! Click HERE.
4th - Why would you NOT click on a story that's titled "Scientists Decode Brain Farts"? I feel more socially accepted now that the story has run. Click HERE.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Daily Tour
1st - I make sure that I am securely logged in to my email account and that my instant alert is on so I can be notified immediately if I receive an email. I then check my email - Yup, I have 5 new emails! My good friends at LDS Living, Bath & Body Works, Total Health, Barnes & Noble and LDS Gems were thinking of me at 2am and sent me important news. I love those guys!
2nd - I pop open another tab in my Internet Explorer and hit the "HOME" button. comes to life with all the latest news that I missed during the 15 minute break I took between driving home from the gym and getting logged on. I like to make sure I have the latest jabs between Clinton and Obama and a minute to minute update on the cost of gas.
3rd - I scoot on over to another tab and check my blog. Ah . . . there it is!! It looks good and no one left me any comments between midnight and 7am - - dangit.
4th - I open a tab and log on to I look at the list of books I've read . . .Yup, they're all still there.
5th - One more tab and I log on to toontown. I've talked myself into playing for 10 minutes and then doing housework for 30 minutes. I figure I can get a lot done if I keep this routine and the 10 minute reward of playing will keep me motivated. Except, it never works that way . . . my little toon friends need help and I'm willing to sacrifice my laundry to help them.
That completes the morning tour of my desktop. I like to end this tour with a few more follow up clicks on all my open tabs and toss in a few new ones as I check local news at and the latest deal at After sifting through my favorite blogs . . . . I start my tour all over again.
I love the stability that my computer provides to my life!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
My Apologies
After accomplishing quite a bit of yard work it now becomes necessary for me to issue an apology. No, not because my yard looked bad, or that I threw weeds and rocks into the neighbor's yard, or that I didn't worry about the person who lives 'down stream' from me as I washed away dirt into the drain system . . . but an apology because I know for a fact that my crack was exposed several times while I was working in the yard today.
I bent over to pull weeds and felt the cool spring air hit . . . and frankly, by the time I'd been at the yard work for a few hours I was too tired to pull my pants up. I figured I needed all the fresh cool air I could get at that point. I have no doubt that I've frightened all the neighbors who drove by today . . . but at least my yard is looking better!