Well! I'm that kid -- I was surfing blogs yesterday, found a meme -- and without being tagged I am declaring myself "It!"
#1 - 5 Years Ago:
- I was busy thinking how hard my life was while being completely oblivious to the fact that it was going to get much, much harder. I was also busy being oblivious that I had a greater capacity to love and to learn faith.
#2 - 5 Things On My To-Do List Today:
- Clean out my scrapbook room
- Plan out meals for the next two weeks and go grocery shopping
- Find the swimsuit/t-shirt order form for swim team
- Put the mail in the mail box
- Plant the new flowers that I bought before they die
#3 - 5 Snacks I Enjoy:
- The Sugary Ones
- The Salty Ones
- The Frozen Ones
- The Fizzy Diet Ones
- The Crunchy Ones
- Corn Nuts. After eating them for an hour in the car, getting out of the car for fresh air and then getting back in the corn nut fume-infested car: "Thanks, I'll pass on any more corn nuts!"
- Burnt Almond Fudge ice cream. Ok, under extreme circumstances when that's the ONLY ice cream in the house, I will partake. But it's not one I really enjoy - chocolate with nuts . . frozen together. . . not delicious.
- Pinto Bean Pie. Don't let the Auntie's bring pie to Thanksgiving . . . .
- Blue Powerade at the gas station drink fountain. What's this even suppose to taste like? It's like blue Kool-aid watered down. (Now give me blue Kool-aid in a baggie with some sugar and my wet finger and I'll eat the whole dang thing!)
- Boston Baked Beans. Nothing to say . . . they just don't do it for me. (I will eat Boston Baked Beans if left alone in a room with them and nothing else in sight ~ particularly during PMS season)
#4 - 5 Places I Have Lived:
- My parent's house in Sandy, Utah
- Apartment 23 in Rexburg, Idaho
- The Glynhill Apartments in Salt Lake City
- Our first home in West Jordan
- Our home of 11 years in Pleasant Grove
#5 - 5 Jobs That I Have Had:
- Specialty Fry Cook at Jack in the Box (Yeah, there used to be one in Sandy, Utah . . and I don't recommend making out with your boyfriend on the roof)
- Data Entry at Medical Information place. (When you leave your place of employment don't have your new boyfriend leave a nasty message for your boss in Portuguese . . . who knew it could so easily be translated)
- Medical Document procurer at Medical Information place. (Desperate people will hire you back after receiving a nasty message in Portuguese)
- Secretary at an elementary school. (Best gig ever! I loved being in school with my kids!)
Again, I would tag some of you with this and have you answer these questions on your blog . . . . but I'll just leave it up to you. If you're the kind of kid who would've reached out to the poor, suffering little girl playing tag all by herself . . . . then you'll give this meme a try. (Ah, the power of guilt!)
I would play, but I did this one a while back. I will have to revisit mine. I don't think my answers were nearly as entertaining as yours.
I enjoyed getting to know you better. I enjoyed our little "speed dating" session. (LOL)
Wendi- This is totally like speed dating. I'm going to have to look back for yours so I can get to know you better too. I just haven't been able to get over the Reynolds Wrap post of yours. If anyone hasn't seen it, check it out: http://becausewendisaidso.blogspot.com/2008/05/just-read-box-dummy.html
It's so funny!
Here is the link to the tag:
Just as I said...not as entertaining as yours.
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