1st - I walked in to see a long line and at the front of that line was a crying, screaming baby, an older woman trying to make a transaction and a little boy running around. Crazy! Until she goes to leave, and I see that it's the sweetest grandma/lady in my ward (for those who know - it was Paulette) who is struggling to manage her grandkids. And being the doll that she is, as she is about to exit the double doors, she turns around and yells, "Thanks for all your help, everyone!"
2nd - An elderly lady is the next at the clerks window and while she is learning about the difference in overnight, standard, and express mail - a mother just behind her with three darling kids notices poor Paulette left her wallet at the clerks window. This mother grabs the wallet and makes it out to the car in time to save Paulette some time and worrying. How nice was that?!?
3rd - About the time that the lady with three kids makes it to the clerk's window a 'fascinating' woman on a cell phone gets in line. I enjoyed her phone conversation. "Well, that's because you're an alcoholic . . . ," " You need to get help," "I could put you on my credit account." The kicker was when she was able to go to another line to pick up her mail. . . "Hi, I need to pick up my mail it's not been delivered for a month," "I didn't do what?", "But my tax check is in that mail!" "My kid's medicaid cards are in there and my daughter is sick at home!" "I'll have to wait another week? This is a @#!@#! stupid!". She then left and got in her much-nicer-than-mine car -- she didn't drive off, I saw her red face as she probably ranted and raved at her alcholic ex-husband on the phone.
4th - Just as I was leaving a sweet little old lady got to the counter and started to tell that clerk all about her package she was sending to "little Johnny". I grabbed Emma's hand, told her to stop trying to pet the scary little dog someone had in line and we made a quick trip to Harts, next door, where I purchased 64 ounces of Diet Coke to reward myself for making it through the post office.
P.S. To the older gentleman who stood in the enormous line just to purchase twenty-five, one cent stamps . . . . You could've put your quarter in the machine in the lobby and been in and out of there in 1/10th the time!
P.P.S. Apparently I could've purchased my stamps on line - but then I would've missed all the little stories of the people this morning. I wonder what they thought of me with Emma and my 10 envelopes all addressed to beer companies. . . . .
Your post makes me think three things......
#1 that I just love Paulette......
#2 that I am glad for my mostly quiet life,
#3 why the (**bleep**) do some people think their sweet baby dogs are so special that the rules that apply to the rest of us don't apply to them?!?
Anyway.....have a nice day!
beer companies? I gotta know.
Beer Companies: I'm soliciting donations for the PG Triathlon, don't ya know? Ha Ha Ha!
Actually, we've got to get together, Beer Rebates are the best couponing secret I've got. They have rebates such as "Spend $15 in groceries get $10 back by mail". They have these for gas, BBQ's, summer towels, shoes etc. It's awesome!
It's a true story. Beer rebates are the best, but only in Utah and Hawaii. Everywhere else, you have to buy the beer...
BTW, I know I wasn't supposed to comment today, but I couldn't help myself!
....being an old man of 42, and having someone honk at you and roll down the window to wave at you, 99.9% of the time means (1)something is wrong with your car(2) you left one of your children on the roof, or (3)someone's shoe, coat,or leg is hanging out-----but let's hear it for the .01% chance that MY PRIMARY PRESIDENT, WENDY VINCENT, is out cruising State Street with two other married women from the ward (who shall remain nameless..but their initials are Kim S. and Cherylnn A.)!!! Of all the bad luck and Bishops in Lindon and PG - you had to be seen by your own Bishop. The beer rebate envelopes are making a lot of sense to me now.
p.s. I know what you are thinking.....and the answer is NO. You still won't get released.
If I mention that we were dragging state on Stake Temple night, could I be released? Or that the credit card, that I purchased drinks with that same night, didn't have MY name on it? Or that, in general, we were nuisance at the rockin' awesome hangout, Arby's?
Think about!
Ok...first of all--the ex-wife of the alcoholic is fairly intriguing (you SO desserved that diet coke). But second--the comment by "anonymous"(who is not quite so anonymous now) is quite hysterical-and I loved that he knew what you would think. NICE TRY ;)
Thanks for the idea Mr. Not-so-Anonymous. Now I know how bad I really would need to be to get released! Apparently honking at men you're not married to and soliciting business from beer companies won't do it. Go figure!
Hey Wend-
I went to get stamps out of the vending machine and they were out, so, maybe that poor guy really had to stand in line... that stinks!
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