The other day Josh came in the kitchen to talk to me:
Josh: Mom, the other day when I was folding the laundry I saw some strange underwear. It had, like, three holes.
Me: Son, all underwear has three holes. One for your waist and two leg holes.
Josh: Mom, I know that. This underwear had more than that.
The light goes on in my head . . . he must've folded some boys underwear! Yet that shouldn't have been quite so surprising for my 12 year old.
Me: Josh, that was dad's underwear
Josh: Mom, it was your underwear.
Me: What?!? I don't think so! Go get it, let me see.

Me: For Crying Out Loud! That's my sports bra!!
Josh: Oh, I thought maybe it was special underwear for when you have PMS or something . . .
I about fall out of my chair at this point. I'm torn between laughing hysterically and shocked that Josh is thinking I own crotchless underwear. What the heck!?! We've since decided to laugh at this story ~ this is going to be funny for a long, long time.
Sidenote: Apparently putting "crotchless underwear" on my blog does not change the rating of my blog. I'm still rated "PG"
That is freakin hilarious! That's the best story I have heard in a very long time-- thanks for sharing!
Too funny! I'm impressed that you got your son to let you take that picture! :-)
That is beyond hilarious! There is never a dull moment in the Vincent home is there. Thanks for that!!!
Oh my gosh Wendy.....that is HILARIOUS!!!! Thanks for the good laugh. You need to send that one in to Readers Digest.
I'm so glad that you put this on your blog: even better that it didn't change your rating! .... SO great that he feels comfortable sharing his thoughts with you! Otherwise he might be thinking of your crotchless underwear when you have PMS. ;) Josh is too funny. This is definitely one of those stories that will never be forgotten!!
Just curious..did you prompt him to pull that face in the photo, or did he come up with that on his own too?!
"Crotchless underwear" that is FUNNY! Thanks so much for not keeping this story all to yourself.
It really was too good not to share! does one find out ones blog rating? Just asking.
I will never think of a sports bra the same way again.
I'm so glad you guys enjoyed this story . . I think it's hysterical myself!
A couple of things:
1. Josh and the photo with my sports bra . . . he's kooky enough not to mind the photo and that look is all him! (That look also says, "Ew! Mom just got done exercising and is making me hold a sweaty sports bra . . . folding it clean was much better!)
2. To find out what a blog is rated check out this website: Of course, it's just for fun and I've noticed it misses some phrases that should probably be tagged. Good times anyway!
That was funny. I have 3 boys and I am always amused at how clueless they can be about girl stuff. Thanks for posting your story!
I seriously just snorted something out of my nose!
That is hilarious! I'm sure the reason it didn't change the rating of your blog is that you didn't use the word p*nties -- combine that with cr*tchless, and you've got creepy Google searchers coming out of the woodwork (hence my use of *). :) Good job on a very funny story.
Thank you SO much for that laugh!! I so needed that!!
Happy POW! I just added you to my your blog!
Glad to see you on MCMommy's POW this week. The story was just as funny the second time around.
I checked out my blog rating. It was rated "G". Whats a girl gotta do to get a PG-13? (LOL)
Thanks for the laugh!
omg that is sooo funny!! tell your son that we appreciate him posing with the special "underwear."
happy POW :)
Had I been drinking a beverage when I read this blog, I would now be cleaning my keyboard with q-tips.
Ha ha ha! That is so awesome.
LOL! That was hilarious!!!! Found you on LDS Women Blogs and I'm glad I did! I'm still laughing! My goodness.
Anyway, I'm letting you know I'm blog-lifting from your blog, and putting the Which Jane Austen Heroine Are You-quiz on mine. I guess, I could just go to the web site and lift it from there but since I found it here first I'm letting you know.
And I think I'll add you to my blog roll if that's okay. This post is just too great.
Ok, that was hysterical!
Nothing beats real life comments from kids. I love it and am glad you shared. What a hoot!
I was in tears that is so funny! I think I could use some of that crotchless PMS underwear! It just might make life a little easier!!
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