I thought it might be fun on Thursdays to put up a photo from sometime in the past. A small, weekly walk down memory lane. Today's photo is in honor of the bridal shower that I went to last night. (Yeah - I actually showed up to one! It was a huge step for me in my socializing world) The shower was for one of the most tender-hearted young women whom I worked with a few years back. So here's a 'Foto Flashback' of the Young Women in the 9th Ward:

Ah--memory lane. Those photos definitely depict some GOOD TIMES :) So many memories and laughs... Of course, those good times wouldn't have happened without some GREAT leaders! We really were a lucky group of young women.
*I think one of those great leaders might have a blog or something like that* ;)
Wow, that really was good times. It feels like a life time ago~! Way to attend that shower, I knew you had it in you. Hope she knows how lucky she was to have you there!!!
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